General Schedule
Check in Opens 10AM (Lobby)
Dinner at 7PM Show at 8PM (Event Center)
General $100 and VIP $150 (Special 30% discount for Festival Full Pass holders)
Welcome Night Milonga 9PM - 2AM (Event Center)
Disco Night - Back to 80's
DJs Rob Montango & Lorena Diez
Suggested attire: colorful and fun!
$45 (+$10 at the door)
FRIDAY - Sep 13
Alternative Activities 10AM - 11AM (Ballroom 2)
Stretching for Tango dancers.
Beginners Bootcamp 11AM - 12 noon (Ballroom 3)
Understanding the walk.
Workshop Claudio & Helena 11AM - 12:15PM (Event Center)
Enrosques as you may never have seen it.
Workshop Hugo & Celina 11AM - 12:15PM (Ballroom 1)
Stops: tips and options to create more time and space in different and creatives ways.
Workshop Carlos & Mayte 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Event Center)
Carlos and Mayte’s Signature moves.
Workshop Helena Fernandez 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Ballroom 1)
Follower Technique.
Workshop Miguel & Daiana 2PM - 3:15PM (Event Center)
Copes-Todaro-Virulazo-Zotto: different styles, personalities and techniques. Creating original figures.
Workshop Hugo & Celina 3:30PM - 4:45PM (Event Center)
Sacadas: evolution, constructions and developing.
Afternoon Milonga 2PM - 6PM (Ballroom 1)
DJ Koichiro
$35 (+$10 at the door)
Competitors warming up 2PM - 8PM (Ballroom 2)
For competitors only
Championship 5PM - 8PM (Event Center)
Qualifying Round
Viewer pass $20 per day
Night Milonga 9PM - 3AM (Event Center and Ballroom 1)
Palais de Glace
DJs Ilene Marder & James Valentino
Suggested attire: silver and white
$70 (+$10 at the door)
Alternative Activities 10AM - 11AM (Ballroom 2)
Stretching for Tango dancers.
Beginners Bootcamp 11AM - 12 noon (Ballroom 3)
Fundamental elements to dance Tango.
Workshop Zotto & Claudio 10:30AM - 12:30PM (Event Center)
Charla + Stage Techniques.
DJ's Workshop Charrua 12 noon - 2PM (Ballroom 3)
Structure and creation: All about being a DJ
Workshop Carlos & Mayte 11AM - 12:15PM (Ballroom 1)
Chains for Tango Vals.
Workshop Hugo & Celina 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Event Center)
Fun boleos: “contra”, linear or circular. Broaden the spectrum and find new possibilities.
Workshop TANGO BARDO 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Ballroom 1)
Orchestras and Musicality.
Workshop Claudio & Helena 2PM - 3:15PM (Event Center)
Los Villagra favorite figures for salón.
Workshop Miguel & Daiana 3:30PM - 4:45PM (Event Center)
Zotto and Daiana style of Milonga Lisa and Traspié.
Afternoon Milonga 2PM - 6PM (Ballroom 1)
DJ Lorena Diez
$35 (+$10 at the door)
Competitors warming up 2PM - 8PM (Ballroom 2)
For competitors only
Championship 5PM - 8PM (Event Center)
Viewer pass $20 per day
Night Milonga 9PM - 3AM (Event Center and Ballroom 1)
Black & Red Gala -
TANGO BARDO live orchestra
DJs Koichiro & Rob Montango
Suggested attire: black and red
$80 (+$10 at the door)
SUNDAY - Sep 15
Alternative Activities 10AM - 11AM (Ballroom 2)
Stretching for Tango dancers.
Beginners Bootcamp 11AM - 12 noon (Ballroom 3)
Embrace and first sequences.
Workshop Daiana Guspero 11AM - 12:15PM (Event Center)
Follower Technique.
Workshop Hugo & Celina 11AM - 12:15PM (Ballroom 1)
Turns: different ways of execution. Move fluidly, smoothly and energetically.
Workshop Miguel & Daiana 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Event Center)
History of the embrace: close, comfortable and elastic.
Fundamental secrets for the dance and the couple. Embellishments for both roles.
Workshop Carlos & Mayte 12:30PM - 1:45PM (Ballroom 1)
Ganchos for leaders and followers.
Workshop Claudio & Helena 2PM - 3:15PM (Event Center)
Original steps for milonga Lisa and Transpie.
Afternoon Milonga 2PM - 6PM (Ballroom 1)
DJ Ilene Marder
$35 (+$10 at the door)
Competitors warming up 2PM - 6PM (Ballroom 2)
For competitors only
Championship (Event Center)
4PM - 6PM Final
6PM - 7PM Awards
Viewer pass $20 per day
Farewell Night Milonga 7PM - 1AM (Event Center and Ballroom 1)
Golden Night -
DJs Charrua & James Valentino
Suggested attire: gold and yellow
$70 (+$10 at the door)